A Conference with a Teacher

Kim Cornwell has spent most of her working life in a classroom helping kids who are struggling through some aspect of their education. After beginning her career in education as a speech pathologist, she decided she wanted to be solely responsible for her students progress. Kim says, “I really liked being able to create a plan perfectly suited to my students, and then watch it happen. The creative part of me is completely fed by looking at my students’ profiles, planning their instruction, and then getting them to where they need to be.”  For her, the rest is all about the kids. “The relationship with kids is what I love the most,” she says. “That is the key for me.” And how does she do it?  “I start with what the student does well,” she explains. “I use their affinities to leverage the other areas that need to be addressed.”

You are here because your child is facing challenges in the classroom. Kim understands true support for a student must happen on all levels. As the one who will be providing expert educational services to your child, she has very specific goals in mind. That’s because she knows real success is more than just helping the student.  She will provide a wealth of helpful information to your child’s classroom teacher as well as to you as parents as she moves everyone involved through the process. “My goal is to use my talent, training, and experience to facilitate learning,” she explains. “Acquiring the necessary skills for school, home, and business empowers individuals and their families. It makes them more resilient and self-reliant which in turn strengthens our community. This is why I love my job!”

“The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future life”
